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This is how to find out if your Facebook account is affected by a hack case

Facebook has just given a further explanation about the case of hacking that occurred in the service. Here's how to check whether your account has been affected by the case.

On Saturday (10/13/2018), Facebook gave details of what information was accessed in the case of the hack. These include user names and contact info, as well as personal details such as religion and location.

In September, a hacker group used a single security vulnerability to login 'view as' Facebook to access millions of user data. The investigation was directly carried out by Mark Zuckerberg's company.

Facebook also includes a way to see if your account has been affected by the hack case and any information that is accessed without permission

To find out, all you need to do is log in to your account and then access Facebook's Help Center. The information you are looking for is at the bottom of the page.

This section will explain whether your Facebook account was affected by a hack case. The following information appears if your account is affected:

While if your Facebook account is not affected, the information that will appear is as follows:  



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